BEST NEW LADDER DECK for 2021! – 6000 Trophies Gameplay with the Best E Barbs Deck in Clash Royale!

In this video I’m showing you the best new ladder deck with the e barbs and royal giant after the Clash Royale balance changes! This royal giant e barbs rage deck in crazy and will catch all of your opponents off guard. Today I have some gameplay over 6000 trophies with the best new ladder deck because the elite barbarians got buffed! The royal giant and baby dragon were already very strong in the Clash Royale meta, so when you pair that some elite barbarians that got buffed, it’s a recipe for disaster! In this video I hop into 4 live battles over 6000 trophies and I’m able to go 3-1. My opponents aren’t ready for the elite barbarians, and when they don’t have their building in cycle, you can go royal giant rage at the bridge and take towers! This new elite barbarians deck is so much fun to play and it’s so fun to take people’s towers left and right! I hope you all enjoy today’s battles with the best new elite barbarians deck in Clash Royale.
If you’re a fan of Clash Royale or Clash of Clans then I know you’ll be a fan of my channel too.
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My Clash Royale clan tag: #PRR2P2P2