Thank you to Samsung Galaxy for sponsoring this video! Half of the gems I earned in today’s video will carry over to the Squad Up with Samsung Galaxy Finals on July 16th at 5pm PT! Make sure to click here: https://amg.gg/squadup to tune in to the Finals livestream and watch me compete against the BIGGEST creators in Squad Busters for a chance to win $5,000 in Samsung Galaxy devices to give back to YOU!
Keep an eye out for more HUGE news coming at the end of the Finals livestream #PlayGalaxy #SamsungPartner
Get your own Samsung #GalaxyS24 Ultra to game like a pro: http://amg.gg/GalaxyS24UltraOJ2 and find out more info about the #GalaxyTabS9 Plus here: http://amg.gg/TabS9SeriesOJ2
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