Ultimate Guide to BEATING Higher Level Players & Cards in Clash Royale

How to Beat Higher Level Players | CWA Mobile Gaming
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Today in Clash Royale we’ll have a comprehensive guide for beating higher level players ft. Zareldo! He’ll provide his best cards (tier list) and top 4 decks for beating higher level players in the game. Enjoy!

►►Zareldo Twitter – http://bit.ly/2yBRI9r
►►Zareldo Stats/Profile – http://bit.ly/2GPzaqu

How to build a deck

Keep in mind these are just guidelines. Guidelines are not rules and can be ignored.
For golem, bridgespam, giant, royal giant, pekka, egolem or ramrider:

1/2 winconditions
1 non-swarm tank killer or building
1 splash damage unit
1 small spell
1 big spell
1 ranged unit
1/2 additional support cards, this can be anything. I don’t recommend having two big spells or two buildings.

For mortar decks I recommend having a secondary wincondition. Miner, rocket and hog work great for this. There’s two routes you can go, either mortar cycle or mortar bait. For mortar cycle I recommend having miner or rocket as a secondary wincondition. For mortar bait, miner or hog works best. For mortar cycle it’s best to keep the average cost below around 3 elixir, so you can outcycle your opponents mortar counters and rocket cycle more easily.

For bait decks you can either have only goblinbarrel, or both hog and goblinbarrel as winconditions. For defense, I recommend having infernotower and skeletonarmy, one baits out zap while the other does work on defense. Goblingang and princess are also essential bait cards. For spells, you can go with log and rocket if you don’t have hog, and you can go for fireball and zap if you do have hog. Rascals are also a good option.

For sparky decks, I recommend building the deck around it. This means having a tank, zapbait elements and ways to defend it while pushing. A must in sparky decks is zap. This eliminates common cards like bats, skeleton army, skeletons, the bats of a nightwitch, and helps against infernos. Goblin barrel and skeleton army could serve as zapbait cards, and goblinbarrel can also be a secondary wincondition. Minipekka also compliments sparky well, as it can snipe ‘’fireballies’’ placed on top of the sparky. As a secondary spell, both arrows and snowball could work. There is not really a need for a heavy spell when having sparky in your deck, so the knockback of the snowball or crowdcontrol of the arrows would fit nicely. For support cards, babydragon, electrowizard or musketeer can work. Babydragon is not level dependent, so can always be used. I would avoid musketeer and electrowizard if they’re level 11, as level 12 fireball is very common above 5000 trophies. I’d use electrowizard if they’re both level 12, and musketeer if it’s level 12 and the ewiz is level 11.

I don’t recommend using xbow, simply because it is too easy to get overwhelmed by higher level players. I hate to admit it, but it is also not easy to use.

I don’t recommend using elixir golem, because it isnt effective without high level support cards, and the heavy amount of splashdamage used in lower trophyranges makes this card ineffective.

#ClashRoyale #Guide #Strategy
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Hog Goblin Barrel Valk – Ash wants to share a Clash Royale deck: https://link.clashroyale.com/deck/en?deck=26000026;28000004;26000012;28000008;27000003;26000021;26000011;28000000&id=VPU8G

Hog PEKKA – Ash wants to share a Clash Royale deck: https://link.clashroyale.com/deck/en?deck=28000011;26000004;26000021;28000000;27000002;26000041;26000049;26000019&id=VPU8G

Giant Miner – Ash wants to share a Clash Royale deck: https://link.clashroyale.com/deck/en?deck=26000032;26000046;26000016;26000015;26000003;28000000;26000041;28000008&id=VPU8G

Royal Giant – Ash wants to share a Clash Royale deck: https://link.clashroyale.com/deck/en?deck=26000046;28000011;26000015;28000000;26000024;26000022;26000008;26000001&id=VPU8G

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