[TOP 700] BEST RC DECK after the balance changes – #clashmini

Hi it’s Vic 🙂

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In this Clash Mini video, we’ll use royal champion to try and reach 3000 trophies with it. This Royale Champion deck is used by pro players and casual players alike.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or a veteran player – this deck is perfect for you! We’ll walk you through every step of the deck so you can reach 3000 trophies as quickly as possible! So don’t wait any longer – get started with this Clash Mini guide and start racking up the trophies! I hope this deck can help you reach 3000 trophies before the end of this season!

I hope you guys have a great day

#clash mini #clash mini gameplay #clash mini tips #clash royale #clash of clans #challenge #clash #challenges #archerqueen #contentcreator #tips