Enjoying the stream? You should probably sub. I mean why not? I upload daily man.
SPONSORING Unlocks: A smoking hot stream badge to make you stand out (in a good way), ability to use the best emotes that I can create for the stream, the most love I can give, ability to chat in sponsors only chat, and more love!
Mid Night Dove
Duncan Wolage
Daniel Gomez
Next Sponsor unlocks: First emote!
Streamlabs link: (For donations) https://streamlabs.com/wonderbrad
Super Chat or Donation: Shout-out in stream + in video & I’ll follow you on Twitter!
(Donating $1 supports me more than you watching a video per day for a whole year!)
Discord: https://discord.gg/PNecAHM
Twitter: @wonderbradyt (follow me cause im desperate for followers)
Past donations (message me if you’ve donated and I forgot your name):
Clash With Ash
Daniel Gomez
Dtmr 05
Orye Melendez
drax 808
James Yu
whiter shade
SCGMD Channel and More!
Ninja Elfy
Adam Jesse
lXRl Scandleee
Gallade Studios
Krish Shyam
David Oviedo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wonderbrad.yt.3
Join my clan family here!
Join My Clan: (MAIN CLAN, Join A FEEDER FIRST) EliteBarbarians #8Y9CYLG
IGN: wonderbrad
Feeder Clan: EliteArchers #YJVCQ2C
IGN: wonderbradYT
Feeder #2: EliteKnights #28RRLYGY
Playing Clash Royale and Clash of Clans. If you enjoyed please hit the like, leave a comment, and subscribe. It means a lot!
Tweet Me @wonderbradyt
Music provided by: NoCopyrightSounds
Livestream Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDxUKUg7G_H5Q7OKalw9ECZRVodzM5eH-
Outro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP625xQIGzs
Song: Tobu – Hope [NCS Release]
Song: Tobu – Roots [NCS Release]
Song: Inukshuk – We Were Infinite [NCS Release]
Song: Alan Walker – Fade [NCS Release]
Song: Disfigure – Blank [NCS Release]
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