In today’s video, I play in the Royal Tournament with 3.0 Xbow Cycle. I was able to reach an 15 wins while maintaining an undefeated score of 0 losses, unlocking all of the rewards. While playing live matches, I commentate over the games to try to give an insight into my decision making / thought process. I hope you enjoy it!
Watch, Rage Tournament with 3.0 Xbow:
► https://youtu.be/Jk5AUN3EAtY
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Video Timestamps
[0:00] Intro
[1:13] Royal Tournament with 3.0 Xbow!
[1:21] Buildings in Rage Mode
[1:26] My Golem Dark Side
[1:56] Electro Spirit vs Ice Spirit
[2:12] Archers vs Archer Queen
[2:50] Royal Tournament with 3.0 Xbow!
[3:01] Royal Hogs Earthquake Cycle w/ Archer Queen
[6:44] Royal Hogs Earthquake Cycle w/ Archer Queen, Guards
[10:39] Bridgespam w/ Elite Barbarians, Archer Queen, Magic Archer
[15:07] Bridgespam w/ Cannon Cart, Golden Knight
[21:36] Royal Recruits Royal Hogs Triple Spell (Arrows)
[26:49] 15-0!
[28:03] Closing Comments & Outro
In this clash royale video I played in the clash royale royal tournament using the 3.0 Xbow cycle deck. This deck has the clash royale xbow and tesla siege defense as well as the clash royale cycle cards for quick defense and mechanical gameplay. This is currently a very strong but high skill-cap clash royale deck. It is extremely similar to the clash royale 2.9 Xbow cycle deck, but has the clash royale Knight in place of the clash royale Ice Golem, which changes some interactions with different decks. The Knight’s trait of being able to attack makes him favorable against several matchups, as compared to the passive Ice Golem. This is one of if not the best clash royale deck, due to its ability to perform well against almost any matchup if played perfectly. This specific version is probably my favorite & the best xbow deck in clash royale.
The clash royale global tournament can be difficult to deal with, especially with 3.0 Xbow Cycle, because Xbow Cycle in general is in a difficult spot in the current metagame. Also, Archers are simply worse than the Archer Queen right now, making 3.0 Xbow even more difficult to use when a better option exists. Regardless, I believe that Xbow can still be viable in the clash royale royal tournament, and in the right hands, it can be one of the clash royale best global tournament decks to use!
#clashroyale #royaltournament #xbow #xbowcycle #globaltournament