Strange But TRUE then and NOW – Clash of Clans STRANGEST Bases | CoC | are some of these “Clash of Clans Hacks” or “Clash of Clans Cheats”? Very bizarre and sometimes ‘hacker’ bases have been showing up, here are MORE new ones, another look at old ones, and the “CRASHER HACKER” player tag REVEALED!
Join my Discord server and WIN! http://www.discord.gg/galadongaming
Don’t forget to check out the Clash of Clans ‘strange but true’ series – some of the oddest, rarest things in Clash of Clans- and more than a few that are GONE – players banned from CoC forever for Clash of Clans hacks and Clash of Clans cheats! More videos coming soon- be sure to submit your strange but true bases, players and clans for a shout out in a future video!
The Chief Pat Collaborations:
‘Father Son’ Challenge: http://bit.ly/PatGaladon
Right Lane Rush: http://bit.ly/RightLaneRush
Clash Royale YouTuber Tournament with NickatNyte, Molt, Chief Pat, Godson, Alvaro (The Alvaro845), Clash With Ash, ClashonGan and of course Galadon: http://bit.ly/YouTuberTourney
Live 50K gem Tourney: http://bit.ly/Live50K
8,000 players: http://bit.ly/50Tourneys
First Big ‘Royal’ Tournament: http://bit.ly/RoyaleFirst
Clash Royale Updates: http://bit.ly/RoyaleUpdates
Arena 1 and 2 Strategy: http://bit.ly/Arena1Arena2
Tips for Arenas 3 and 4: http://bit.ly/Arena3Arena4
Let’s Play, With Galamom: http://bit.ly/Galamom
Special thanks to my TOP tier Patreon supporters: Zekeofthefalls and BlackBelt!
Thumbnails by @SythoStudios – follow him on Twitter!
Music: Instrumental Core / Really Slow Motion
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