PUSHING CROW TO 500 TROPHIES! | RoyaleTrials – Clash Royale & Brawl Stars
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Hey, guys welcome back to another Brawl Stars video! today I push Crow to 500 Trophies! Thanks to my good friend Bombz. This video includes gameplay and tips of how to better play crow so you to can get to 500 trophies! Thanks for watching take a look at the links below for some cool stuff!
#BrawlStars #500Brawler #CrowTips #Showdown
*Bombz YT Channel*
► Check out my player profile – https://mybrawlstats.com/profile/220pcgggo
*Social Medias*
► Twitter – @RoyaleTrials | https://twitter.com/RoyaleTrials
► Instagram – RoyaleTrial | https://www.instagram.com/royaletrials/
Hey, guys welcome to RoyaleTrials a Clash Royale and Brawl Stars channel. Here you’ll find challenge/mode gameplay and tips, update reviews, balance change reviews, and specific card/brawler interactions and changes that come with updates and balance changes for Clash Royale and Brawl Stars. I am in the beginning stages of my channel so if you like my videos I would greatly appreciate it if you would share my channel with your friends. Subscribe for more!