This Clash Royal Pekka Bridge Spam Deck is the best Clash Royal Deck right now! Everyone knows this Clash Royale Pekka Deck and what a powerful deck it is, this Clash Royale Deck is the best Clash Royale Deck in 2022. And I took this video in Top Ladder Clash Royale in +7500 Trophy , this Clash Royale Pekka Bridge Spam Deck has many good cards to spam the opponent, such as Dark Prince Clash Royale, Battle Ram Clash Royale and Royal Guest Clash Royale. Clash Royale Pekka Bridge Spam is one of the best Clash Royale decks at present, this Clash Royale Pekka Bridge Spam deck will work great against Golem decks, some cycle decks, and Giant Clash Royale deck, but it will not work against Logbit, Lava , hog cycle this clash royale pekka bridge spam with minions is better than ever after balance changes clash royale and buff minion, and…… it works very badly, I recommend this Clash Royal Pekka Deck to you all.
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make sure to subscribe to my channel for daily clash royale content where I showcase the clash royale best deck for each meta game. I mostly will play pekka balloon graveyard, all pekka decks , and all control decks in clash royale. the pekka is my favourite clash royale card and I will typically play clash royale pekka decks the most. the decks I play are great for clash royale 12 win grand challenge, clash royale, clash royale trophy pushing on ladder and for clash royale tournament and challenges . I hope you guys enjoy my pro tips and tricks and my beginner tips and tricks I’ll see you in the arena
00:00 3m Bridge Spam
04:50 phoenix mortar
06:50 log bait dart gob
10:30 unknown
11:40 wb magic archer
15:00 hog barbar
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