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Magic Archer Bait Deck | SirTagCR – Clash Royale
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In this clash royale let’s play, I play clash royale noob friendly deck for easy wins! This clash royale deck uses the clash royale magic archer and other bait cards to overwhelm your opponent, due to their finite amount of spells. This clash royale magic archer bait deck is noob friendly and does not even require a win condition. All that is necessary is that you stagger your troops and not give an excessive amount of spell value. This clash royale magic archer deck focuses on getting damage with the cannon cart, flying machine, and magic archer when you are up elixir; it primarily uses the barbarian hut for defense and to gradually accumulate positive elixir trades vs your opponent. This is one of the easiest decks to play in clash royale, I hope you guys enjoyed my clash royale magic archer tips and tricks, and good luck in the clash royale arena!
Check out the RoyaleAPI deck stats here: https://bit.ly/2yibiYk
I stream Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 6:00PM EST.
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Make sure to subscribe to my channel for daily clash royale content, where I showcase the clash royale best deck for each metagame. I mostly will play miner poison decks, control decks, and decks with any clash royale new cards that are released. The miner is my favorite clash royale legendary card, and I will typically play clash royale miner control decks the most. The decks I play are great for clash royale 12 win grand challenges, clash royale trophy pushing on ladder, and for clash royale tournaments and clan wars. I hope you guys enjoy my pro tips and tricks and my beginner tips and tricks, and I’ll see you in the arena!
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