The Update brings a New Troop to Clash of Clans, the Apprentice Warden! Judo Sloth Gaming shares gameplay and strategy for the New CoC Troop in this final sneak peek video. I wanted to assure you fully knew how the new troop worked included the mechanics and potential strategy. The Apprentice Warden will boost the HP on Heroes and Troops inside its Aura by 30%. Sneak Peek 3 also announced the War Arena Scenery and League Hero Skins. This is the final sneak peek of the June Update. Let me know if you have other ideas for using the new troop.
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Suggested Videos:
New Super Hog Rider Explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woPlM167Dp8
New Troop and Defense Levels: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUpr7WgpjBY
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#ClashOfClans #CoC #ApprenticeWarden
Video Chapters:
0:00 How to Unlock the Apprentice Warden and Upgrade Levels
0:46 New Clan War League Hero Skins and Scenery
1:20 Apprentice Warden Stats and Mechanics
3:40 Apprentice Warden on Defense
4:44 Apprentice Warden Strategies
7:45 Game Changes with the Update
► Judo Sloth Gaming is a mobile gaming channel focused on Clash of Clans. You will see a variety of videos focused on being Educational but Entertaining! You will find Informational Guides on Everything in CoC. Attack Strategies, 3 Star Attacks, Farming or Upgrade Advice, Lets Play and Update News – you’ll want to Subscribe to see it all. Clash On!