Hey Guys!
I want to start by saying that I’ve never used this deck before this season, the learning curve is fairly easy.
Two weeks ago I couldn’t defeat ANY Golem deck OR Royal Giant deck I want to throw that out there, if you give it a try and these two give you trouble, listen below.
First.. the deck DUH
1- Mortar Duh
2- Knight
3- Skeletons
4- Archers
5- Arrows
6- Ice Spirit
7- Rocket
8- Log (Can be replaced by Fire Spirits Zap if not)
The easiest matchups are Zap/Log bait decks and Hog decks… These have simply no chance…. Having the log + the arrows completely destroys all log bait decks. The hog is tricky… once you figure out to put the mortar down ONCE he’s mid your court he’ll have no change… YES he’ll kill your mortar but not before the mortar hits their tower 2-3 times, I like to throw in an ice spirit and knight and cycle back to my mortar.
Royal giants… Here there are TWO flavors… fast RG cycles (RG+ Minions for example) and SLOW RG Cycles (RG+ Ebarbs for example). For slow RG Decks I usually go hard and put the Mortar at the bridge, he counters with the RG, but THEN you can cycle back in No time and hit it back. For fast RG Cycles, use mortar only for defense, Your tower + the mortar are DEADLY against RG+ barbs, and rocket your opponent to death… doesn’t sound sexy… but a full LOG+Arrows+Rocket cycle does 650-750 Damage and can be used to hit multiple troops.
Golems… If he starts in the back… Mortar at the bridge and REKT ha ha ha, Golem in front of the tower, put the mortar in the middle, it will pull the golem ALL the way there and hit the opponent tower WHILE your other troops kills everything. AN EXCELLENT Strategy here is to save for the rocket and get some insane rocket value… I’ve rocketed eBarbs + Baby Dragon + Golem for an insane elixir trade!
My Best Tips… if you can rocket the tower + anything DO IT
Use rocket defensively! Rocket Balloon!
If the opponent tower is in the 1,000 range… don’t rocket… try to log his troops, arrow anything until you have the tower at your rocket range… this sound obvious… but I used to do the opposite and it cost me matches.
Minion Horde = Insta-win! Save your arrows!
Skeletons have the greatest elixir trade possibilities…! They can counter mega minion, knight, mini, Pekka, skeleton army etc etc etc…. those +1 +2 quickly add up!
If you guys want to see some examples I indexed my video below showing these interactions.
I’m at 4,900++ Lvl 11, with lvl 12 commons, 8 (now 9) rocket and lvl 3 Log.
I have a lot of clan mates 5K+ with lvl 11 commons!
0:23 – Lvl 12 with Lvl 13 Elite Barbs + Rocket
3:48 – Lvl 12 with Lvl 7 PEKKA + Miner + Lvl 10 rares!
7:35 – Lvl 12 with MAX CARDS Elite Barbarian Log Bait
10:42 – Lvl 12 with Hog lvl 7 BALLOON + Max e-barbs
13:53 – Lvl 12 with Hog Log Bait
17:00 OUR FIRST ROYAL GIANT!!! WOW!!! @4800 Trophies
20:20 LAVAHOUND… The Deck every says rekts this deck and still haven’t defeated us.
23:53 Golem + Max eBarbs + Executioner + Pump
27:01 Lvl 12 with that Miner 3 Muskets Knight Pump deck that is everywhere!
30:22 Lvl 12 with…. Guess…. Seriously… Guess…. Yes Lvl 13 RG!
Thanks for watching!
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