Mega Knight: The Card Everyone Loves To Hate | Clash Royale
This video is all things mega knight. Ever since the mega knight was released in clash royale in September 2017, it has always been a hot topic in the clash royale community. No matter where I look, there is always someone talking about the mega knight and how broken it is, or someone else talking about how great the mega knight is. In this video, we talk about how to mega knight came to how it is today, and also why it always sparks discussion in the clash royale community. Hope you guys enjoy the clash royale video!
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Hi, welcome to my channel: SolarFury – Mobile Gaming! On this channel, you will find all things clash royale, literally anything you can imagine. I absolutely love clash royale, and I have been playing clash royale since clash royale released globally in 2016. I make clash royale content revolving around meta decks, balance changes, hot topics in clash royale, and more! Be sure to subscribe if you love clash royale, just like me! 🙂
description tags yo: mega knight, mega knight counter, best mega knight deck 2020
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