In today’s clash royale video, we take a look at the mini pekka, which was nerfed in the clash royale season 11 balance changes. The mini pekka had its melee range reduced from medium to short in clash royale. This video showcases the mini pekka and whether or not it is good in clash royale. This clash royale video also showcases the earthquake, which was also recently balanced in the clash royale season 11 balance changes! Hope you guys enjoy the clash royale video!
Ranking Every Supercell Game – https://youtu.be/IjFa8AKT_o0
Best Ways To Spend Gems In Clash Royale – https://youtu.be/aJAOQMOtuOA
How To Push Trophies Fast – https://youtu.be/nonZFQ49xQU
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Be sure to use a creator code in the clash royale item shop! I’m working on getting a code for you guys, but in the mean time, make sure that you are using someones code!
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