Gemming My New Account through numerous Town Hall Levels in Clash of Clans. Judo Sloth Gaming set out to create a Level 1 Defensive Account in a previous episode and it will be rushed to the highest level in the game. This is the first of the gemming episodes to take it to the top TH level and ensure we can have some fun with the account. It will definitely be included within the 5v5 wars with all of my accounts however we could even take this account to Legend League once the Heroes are high enough, let me know what you think. Clash On!
Suggested Videos:
I Started a New Account in Clash of Clans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vN4Nex7zRdA
First War in Over 3 Years: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86wAM2fGI7Q
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► Judo Sloth Gaming is a mobile gaming channel focused on Clash of Clans. You will see a variety of videos focused on being Educational but Entertaining! You will find Informational Guides on Everything in CoC. Attack Strategies, 3 Star Attacks, Farming or Upgrade Advice, Lets Play and Update News – you’ll want to Subscribe to see it all. Clash On!