EL PRIMO – Permanent?! Clash of Clans Christmas Wish – #SaveElPrimo The Clash of Clans update brought all SORTS of new stuff to the game- and of course El Primo! LIKE the video and leave a comment if YOU would like to see El Primo become a permanent part of Clash of Clans!
Join my Discord server and WIN! http://www.discord.gg/galadongaming
Don’t forget to check out the Clash of Clans ‘strange but true’ series – some of the oddest, rarest things in Clash of Clans- and more than a few that are GONE – players banned from CoC forever for Clash of Clans hacks and Clash of Clans cheats! More videos coming soon- be sure to submit your strange but true bases, players and clans for a shout out in a future video!
The Chief Pat Collaborations:
‘Father Son’ Challenge: http://bit.ly/PatGaladon
Right Lane Rush: http://bit.ly/RightLaneRush
Clash Royale YouTuber Tournament with NickatNyte, Molt, Chief Pat, Godson, Alvaro (The Alvaro845), Clash With Ash, ClashonGan and of course Galadon: http://bit.ly/YouTuberTourney
Live 50K gem Tourney: http://bit.ly/Live50K
8,000 players: http://bit.ly/50Tourneys
First Big ‘Royal’ Tournament: http://bit.ly/RoyaleFirst
Clash Royale Updates: http://bit.ly/RoyaleUpdates
Arena 1 and 2 Strategy: http://bit.ly/Arena1Arena2
Tips for Arenas 3 and 4: http://bit.ly/Arena3Arena4
Let’s Play, With Galamom: http://bit.ly/Galamom
Special thanks to my TOP tier Patreon supporters: Zekeofthefalls, BlackBelt, and Kitty Gaming DownUnder!
Thumbnails by @SythoStudios – follow him on Twitter!
Music: Instrumental Core / Really Slow Motion