As of 6th February 2024, Clash Royale added the second Evolution slot to Path of Legends, enabling Double Evolutions for everyone with King Level 15. This update and news has been received rather controversially by the Clash Royale community. In this video, I share my thoughts on the update, as well as play some Path of Legends matches with my new Double Evolution deck. I hope you enjoy the video!
► https://twitter.com/ClashRoyale/status/1754897748485345462
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► Deck Link: https://link.clashroyale.com/deck/en?deck=27000008;27000006;28000000;28000011;26000001;26000000;26000010;26000030&id=P2CR80Y2P
► RoyaleAPI Link: https://royaleapi.com/decks/stats/archers-ev1,fireball,ice-spirit,knight,skeletons-ev1,tesla,the-log,x-bow
Video Timestamps
[0:00] Intro
[1:59] Ladder Gameplay
[35:40] Closing Thoughts
#ClashRoyale #Update #DoubleEvolutions