¡La Clash Royale League HA VUELTO! ¡Sintonízanos para la transmisión de la CRL West 2019 con los mejores equipos batallando por el dominio en el Oeste, todos los sabados/domingos a las 12PM CDT | 19:00 CEST!
Lista de Partidos – Semana 3 Día 2:
paIN Gaming vs Cream Esports
Tribe Gaming vs Team Liquid
Complexity vs Immortals
Misfits vs NRG
Fnatic vs SK Gaming
Dignitas vs paIN Gaming
#CRLWest #CRL #ClashRoyaleLeague
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EsportsRoyaleEN
Twitter (ES): https://twitter.com/EsportsRoyaleES
Twitter (BR): https://twitter.com/EsportsRoyaleBR
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/esportsroyale
CRL Website: https://esports.clashroyale.com
ABOUT THE CLASH ROYALE LEAGUE: The Clash Royale League (CRL) is Supercell’s official team-based esports league, featuring the best Clash Royale teams and players. With divisions in the West (North America, Latin America, Europe), Asia & Mainland China, the CRL aims to give players & spectators the most exciting & entertaining competition in the world.