The Top 32 players from the month of August battle LIVE for a shot at the CRL 2024 Monthly Finals! Only 8 players move on and have a shot at the LAST Golden Ticket to World Finals!
Group 1: Mohamed Light, xopxsam, airsurfer, Over
Group 2: Taa, xAlee, Ruben, Hero
Group 3: Lucas, Vitor75, FurkanArabaci, Agony
Group 4: Adriel, Guriko, khazardy (egor), batan
Group 5: Sub, Droy, Crazy Hulk, Luminary
Group 6: Mugi, Ryley, Aurora, Betfas
Group 7: Coco, Sandbox, Abass, Elsa
Group 8: EGW, Ardentoas, LordSeb, AntossJ
My Gear
• Camera – Sony ZV-1 II ➡️ https://amzn.to/43XA9h2
• Headset – Audio-Technica BPHS1 ➡️ https://amzn.to/46zIAB1
• Audio Interface – Scarlett 2i2 3rd Gen ➡️ https://amzn.to/3PygaRB
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