Today I’m playing classic challenges in Clash Royale until we get 12 wins! I’ll be using royal hogs royal recruits, three musketeers and electro giant!
*Daily Live Streams at 2:30pm EST!*
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Mars Ultimate Gaming is the home of Clash Royale Live Streams!
Welcome to my Clash Royale live stream! The Clash Royale update for June 2022 just went live and royal recruits royal hogs is back in the new meta. I’m using the best new meta royal hogs deck and we’re going for 12 wins in Clash Royale! I get questions all the time saying how do you get a 12 win classic challenge in Clash Royale. In this live stream I hope to show you how!
If you like Clash Royale then you’re gonna love my live streams. Every week we push the ladder and play battles with new meta decks to try to reach the top 1,000 in the US. Maybe one day we’ll hit top 10,000 in the world!
Subscribe to Mars Ultimate Gaming on YouTube and you’ll see as much Clash Royale ladder pushing live as you want!
#ClashRoyale #12Wins #ClassicChallenge #GrandChallenge #RoyalHogs #RoyalRecruits #EGiant #ElectroGiant #3m #ThreeMusketeers #FireballBait #Fireball