Can I win by ONLY COPYING MY OPPONENTS in Clash Royale? | Jax CR
In today’s clash royale video, I try to win by only copying my opponent in clash royale. normally, I will copy my opponents deck in clash royale but today i have to copy my opponents every play too! this is an insane video where i don’t showcase the best decks in clash royale, but try to use unique decks in clash royale to win. Subscribe to me: https://bit.ly/35J8iom
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My thumbnails are done by Demonsking! Check out his twitter:
Tweets by Demonsking_CR
Deck Link:
Deck Stats:
Hello, I am Jax CR, a top clash royale player who brings top ladder clash royale gameplay using the best decks in clash royale to YouTube. I play Pekka bridgespam and I hope to bring entertaining and educational clash royale gameplay, and pro tips and tricks in clash royale. You will find pro decks and mid ladder tips in clash royale on my channel, and I hope that you will subscribe to Jax CR on youtube.
Subscribe to my channel for daily clash royale pro tips and tricks, top ladder clash royale gameplay, the best decks in clash royale, and how to escape mid ladder in clash royale. Clash on, and I’ll see you in the Arena!!!