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This golden knight deck clash royale is the clash royale best deck 2021 & best deck in clash royale for grand challenges and classic challenges. This clash royale miner poison deck has the clash royale golden knight deck proponent in place of the bandit for fierce offensive potential while keeping you safe with the clash royale royal delivery deck feature & tesla. This best grand challenge deck & best classic challenge deck is one of the best clash royale decks that pros are playing everywhere in the meta.
Deck copy link: https://link.clashroyale.com/deck/en?deck=26000049;26000074;26000032;28000009;28000018;26000010;27000006;28000011
Deck stats: https://bit.ly/3oFWhJq
#ClashRoyale #bestclashroyaledeck #clashroyalebestdeck