Best BALLOON Deck in Clash Royale ! Mid Ladder to Top Ladder | mohamadparsa clash royale
this clash royale balloon deck in the best balloon deck clash royale, this clash royale deck created by me, a miner balloon cycle deck is unexpected, especially after the balloon rework. when you get to double elixir and get a pekka and a miner balloon deck push rolling, you’ll be able to maximize your chance for a quality connection, tornado can push anti-air off the balloon, while the ice sprite chains on to finish the remnants of your opponents’ units. this best clash royale deck beats electro giant and most of the top meta decks, and it will always be a good balloon deck in mid ladder and top ladder clash royale and EXECUTIONER clashr oyale is too good right now with tornado, this clash royale deck is best balloon deck to learn!
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make sure to subscribe to my channel for daily clash royale content where I showcase the clash royale best deck for each meta game. I mostly will play pekka balloon graveyard, all pekka decks , and all control decks in clash royale. the pekka is my favourite clash royale card and I will typically play clash royale pekka decks the most. the decks I play are great for clash royale 12 win grand challenge, clash royale, clash royale trophy pushing on ladder and for clash royale tournament and challenges . I hope you guys enjoy my pro tips and tricks and my beginner tips and tricks I’ll see you in the arena
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#clashroyale #bestdeck #pekka #topladder #clash #midladder #mohamadparsa #pekkaballoongraveyarddeck #clashroyaledeck #pekkadeck