Lost & Crowned animation starts soon! Best deck for Fire Spirit Challenge is BAIT! Earthquake and arrows are the best spells in this deck because you can connect your fire spirits while countering theirs instantly making it hard for them to react. Bait is a hard archetype to play, but this challenge is also a higher skill-cap because of the amount of fire spirits coming on both sides. You have to make massive positive elixir trades & eliminate as much waves as possible with as you can. Princess and Dart Goblin are very efficient in stopping Fire Spirits, and Valkyrie with Fire Spirits on defense stop most big tanks. Try out the deck and let me know what you guys think.
Triple Bait Deck: https://link.clashroyale.com/deck/en?deck=26000011;26000026;28000004;26000040;27000004;28000014;28000001;28000011&id=2R900UR
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