Balance Changes and the Fun/Fair Dilemma in Modern Gaming

There are many ingredients that make up a good online PVP game: fun gameplay, a good structure to build upon, vessels that carry out what both produce. But the baking powder of the bunch is simple balancing. While often overlooked and underestimated (especially today), balancing is essential if you want to establish order to control the havoc your players will be wreaking. But what if the havoc is what made the game what it is? What if restraining the chaos is what holds it back? Rather than keeping it from getting out of hand? Could it be that we fooled ourselves into thinking that a cap needs to be put on our entertainment in order to get the most out of it? Well we won’t know until we find out. In my rewrite on this perceived “epidemic”, let’s take one more look into this phenomenon and find out if it’s curable or if it needed to be cured at all…

Enroll in the Tempura clan here:


0:00 Prologue (Addressing Criticisms regarding my last attempt)

4:06 Introduction

6:19 First…a question…

8:18 Balancing in the Present Day

10:22 The Fall of Clash Royale: The Patch Notes

12:49 The Fall of Clash Royale: The Royal Giant Rework

14:33 The Fall of Clash Royale: The Influence of the Clash Royale League

16:20 It’s time to let go of Esports

16:45 Can Fun and Fair coexist?

18:14 Fairly Casual

19:44 Uniqueness in an Unfair World

21:13 Balance is obtained but at what cost?

22:48 Finally…a question…

23:05 Conclusion

25:13 Outro

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