A Royal Defense ~ Finale | Clash Royale | Event stream | Moroinvento

A royale defense challenge is out and in this live stream, I’ll try to win as many games as possible. After a little warm-up, I’ll jump straight into the challenge.

Join in to see, how many games I will win.

Leave with a subscribe and be part of my 10 Million subscribers family.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moroinvento

PayPal: https://paypal.me/moroinvento?country.x=IN&locale.x=en_GB
UPI ID: adityatheinventor@okicici
(P.S am trying to Buy a new PC so donations can help me get a new PC a bit quick so that I can stream more games)

X: https://twitter.com/moron_inventor

#clashroyale #clashroyalegameplay #clashroyalelivestream #clashroyalelive #clashroyalechallenge