Even when connection lost 😈
💥 Mega Monk is a new game mode in Clash Royale. It’s a troop spawner mode.
💥 Copy Deck – https://royaleapi.com/decks/stats/bats,elite-barbarians,firecracker,goblin-gang,inferno-dragon,mini-pekka,poison,zap
💥 Cards in this deck: Bats, Elite Barbarians, Firecracker, Goblin Gang, Inferno Dragon, Mini Pekka, Poison, Zap
💥 Mega Monk is not a player card, and you can’t directly play him. He is a chunky Monk that continues to spawn at alternative sides of the arena.
In this video, we see the Monk, a powerful and versatile troop from the popular mobile game Clash Royale. The Monk is a slow-moving unit that can deal heavy damage to enemy structures. The video showcases Monk’s unique abilities and how he can be used to effectively attack enemy bases and defend your own. We also see some tips and strategies for using Monk in different game modes, including 1v1 battles and clan wars. Overall, this video is a great resource for any Clash Royale player looking to improve their gameplay with the Monk.
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💥 music by NEFFEX
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