BEST LADDER HOG DECK! Free2Play Hog Cycle Deck LIVE Ladder Gameplay – Clash Royale

In today’s episode I am going to play ladder with a Free 2 Play Hog Cycle Deck playing it LIVE! If you guys enjoyed this episode and if you guys would like to see me play ladder more often please let me know in the comment section down below! If you guys would like to see more Ladder Episodes I could start playing Ladder more often and try to get as high as possible and recording that as well! I really hope you guys have a great day and I hope to see YOU in one of my next video’s! Thanks for all the support!

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My real name is Frank, I am from The Netherlands and I am currently 17 years old. I am a Competitive Player, playing for Team Queso. I am trying to bring out either educational or funny content!

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