3.0 Xbow vs Royal Recruits Royal Hogs 3 — Clash Royale

Pure defense for 5 minutes; match played at Top 1000 Ladder. The Royal Hogs were buffed (+6% damage) in Season 27 (September), and in the same set of Balance Changes, the Tesla was nerfed (-5s lifetime). Ultimately, these combined to result in this traditional matchup becoming even more difficult. This deck can be very frustrating to play against — in fact, the matchup is even worse if they are running the Arrows variant. Still, you can win if you play better, just as before.

Watch, previous version of this video: https://youtu.be/EW4Bs5C2S1I

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In this clash royale video I played against the most popular meta clash royale Royal Recruits deck using the 3.0 Xbow cycle deck. This deck has the clash royale xbow and tesla siege defense as well as the clash royale cycle cards for quick defense and mechanical gameplay. This is currently a very strong but high skill-cap clash royale deck. It is extremely similar to the clash royale 2.9 Xbow cycle deck, but has the clash royale Knight in place of the clash royale Ice Golem, which changes some interactions with different decks. The Knight’s trait of being able to attack makes him favorable against several matchups, as compared to the passive Ice Golem.

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