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Much love to FatherCube! We are planning to do a bunch of collabs together, so I hope you guys appreciate this. Cube’s commentary is great and should be enjoyable for everyone who likes commentary videos! This matchup is roughly 50-50 — Xbow usually counters, but Electro Spirit, Bats & Log all make it harder. I played this matchup almost perfectly, so I figured it would be a good reference for you.
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/sk__555
► FatherCube’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/FatherCube
► FatherCube’s Twitch Channel (follow him!): https://www.twitch.tv/fathercube
► Deck Link: https://link.clashroyale.com/deck/en?deck=27000008;27000006;28000000;28000011;26000001;26000000;26000010;26000030&id=P2CR80Y2P
Thank you for watching.
2021 01 17 14 28 19
#ClashRoyale #XbowCycle #RoyalGiant #Xbow #Icebow #1v1 #Clash #Royale #Challenge #Tournament