Gameplay & analysis of 3.0 Xbow vs Royal Giant Earthquake with Giant Skeleton & Archer Queen. This is one of Xbow’s worst matchups in the current meta, considering their relatively fast cycle, the oppressiveness of Earthquake, and the potential of Archer Queen. In this video, I commentate my thought process and decision making for different plays as I analyze my Global Tournament replay.
I am continuing my 3.0 Xbow vs Impossible Matchups series. Let me know which matchup you would like to see next!
► Episode 1, vs Hog Rider Earthquake Cycle: https://youtu.be/tRR7mItNnwA
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All credit for the music used in this video is given to the original artist:
Intro / Outro Songs
♪ Onion (Prod. by Lukrembo) ♫
♪ Biscuit (Prod. by Lukrembo) ♫
► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcUuUhBChMXm-irdwoFT-vg
► https://soundcloud.com/lukrembo
Video Timestamps
[0:00] Intro
[0:14] Royal Giant Earthquake Commentary Analysis!
[3:40] Matchup Guide / Analysis
[23:44] Outro
In this clash royale video I played in the clash royale global tournament using the 3.0 Xbow cycle deck. This deck has the clash royale xbow and tesla siege defense as well as the clash royale cycle cards for quick defense and mechanical gameplay. This is currently a very strong but high skill-cap clash royale deck. It is extremely similar to the clash royale 2.9 Xbow cycle deck, but has the clash royale Knight in place of the clash royale Ice Golem, which changes some interactions with different decks. The Knight’s trait of being able to attack makes him favorable against several matchups, as compared to the passive Ice Golem. This is one of if not the best clash royale deck, due to its ability to perform well against almost any matchup if played perfectly. This specific version is probably my favorite & the best xbow deck in clash royale.
I hope this video can prove helpful for strategies for playing against different matchups with this deck. I also hope this clash royale matchup guide will help supplement a better understanding for your 3.0 Xbow fundamentals. Thank you for watching.
This was recorded after the Clash Royale Balance Changes / Clash Royale Balance Update 2021, which included the Clash Royale Tesla nerf. Other changes part of this set were the Clash Royale Dart Goblin buff, the Clash Royale Rascals buff, the Clash Royale Ice Wizard buff, and the Clash Royale Executioner buff. Noteworthy is the fact that there were no changes to the Clash Royale Champions in this set of Balance Changes. Is the main Clash Royale Xbow deck, 3.0 Xbow Cycle, still viable after this nerf? The same question can be asked about the Clash Royale Icebow deck (3.5 Xbow deck).
#ClashRoyale #XbowCycle #HardCounter #Impossible #Matchup #Icebow #Clash #Royale #Xbow #GlobalTournament #Analysis