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To receive Clash Royale daily, be sure to subscribe to my channel. Content, where I show the best Clash Royale deck for each. That are published. Hog is my favorite legendary game in Clash Royale, and I usually play Hog Clash Royale control decks the most. The decks I play are great for Clash Royale 12 challenges, Clash Royale trophy pushing on ladders, and for Clash Royale tournaments and tribal battles. Hope you enjoy my professional tips and tricks and my beginner tips and tricks, and I will see you on the field!
➣ Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCDdSuRPWmGoKO3xBmkXArOw
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➣ Telegram : https://t.me/tvicr
➣ twitter : https://twitter.com/alireza_tvi
➣ Previous video : https://youtu.be/6sgOMmHwmVY
➣(All Deck) : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDjJF7He7UjmBzC0AEpxm0A6H3NIgSsDW
➣(Challenge) : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDjJF7He7UjlMDZqCb2t5K7ElflnRKeTI
•2.6 Hog tips-Ladder 💪🏼 – Clash Royale