In this video, I completed a 12 Win Grand Challenge in Clash Royale, using the 3.0 Xbow Cycle deck. The video features live gameplay along with voice commentary, which aims to describe my decision making & thought process behind different plays. Specific timestamps for this video have been included, as always.
The last video in this series was technically 12 Win GC #6, but I won 4 more Grand Challenges with 3.0 Xbow Cycle as part of the Road to 100 12 Win Grand Challenges With 3.0 Xbow series, so I am continuing as if the last episode was #10.
► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGBIzpJyb1cnS_pwIt_Pp7fhBzs3Zaj4f
► Twitter: https://twitter.com/sk__555
► Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/sk_555
► Deck Link: https://link.clashroyale.com/deck/en?deck=27000008;27000006;28000000;28000011;26000001;26000000;26000010;26000030&id=P2CR80Y2P
► RoyaleAPI Link: https://royaleapi.com/decks/stats/archers,fireball,ice-spirit,knight,skeletons,tesla,the-log,x-bow
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In this clash royale video I played a clash royale grand challenge using the 3.0 Xbow cycle deck. This deck has the clash royale xbow and tesla siege defense as well as the clash royale cycle cards for quick defense and mechanical gameplay. This is currently a very strong but high skill-cap clash royale deck. It is extremely similar to the clash royale 2.9 Xbow cycle deck, but has the clash royale Knight in place of the clash royale Ice Golem, which changes some interactions with different decks. The Knight’s trait of being able to attack makes him favorable against several matchups, as compared to the passive Ice Golem. This is one of if not the best clash royale deck, due to its ability to perform well against almost any matchup if played perfectly. This specific version is probably my favorite & one of the best xbow deck in clash royale.
Video Timestamps
[0:00] Intro
[0:13] Royal Giant Cycle w/ Phoenix, Fireball
[5:33] Xbow Queen w/ Valkyrie, Rocket, Cannon
[10:01] Golem Night Witch w/ Skeleton King, Lightning [Loss]
[11:56] Splashyard w/ Skeleton King, Phoenix [vs BigSpin]
[17:23] P.E.K.K.A Bridgespam w/ Magic Archer
[20:36] Battle Ram Bridgespam w/ Elite Barbarians, Archer Queen, Magic Archer
[25:50] 12 Wins!!!
[26:10] 12 Win Grand Challenge Chest Opening
[26:19] Closing Thoughts + Outro
#ClashRoyale #Xbow #GrandChallenge #XbowCycle #Guide #Gameplay